Marital composition: monogamy and polygamy [EA009]

Description: Marital composition of family units, regardless of whether families live as independent nuclear units or as part of larger extended families.

Code # Code
1 Monogamous
2 Polygynous, with polygyny occasional or limited
3 Polygynous, with polygyny common and preferentially sororal, and co-wives not reported to occupy separate quarters
4 Polygynous, with polygyny common and preferentially sororal, and co-wives typically occupying separate quarters
5 Polygynous, with polygyny general and not reported to be preferentially sororal, and co-wives typically occupying separate quarters
6 Polygynous, with polygyny general and not reported to be preferentially sororal, and co-wives not reported to occupy separate quarters
7 Polyandrous

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
Marital composition: monogamy and polygamy [EA009]
Marital composition of family units, regardless of whether families live as independent nuclear units or as part of larger extended families.
1 Monogamous 201
2 Limited polygyny 463
3 Polygyny, sororal cohabit 69
4 Polygyny, sororal separate quarters 18
5 Polygyny, non-sororal separate quarters 344
6 Polygyny, non-sororal cohabit 158
7 Polyandrous 4
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase