Transfer of residence at marriage: alternate [EA013]

Description: Culturally patterned alternatives to, or numerically significant deviations from, the prevailing pattern of transfer of residence at marriage (note: not in original EA, summarized from variable describing marital residence with kin).

Code # Code
1 Wife to husband's group (patrilocal, virilocal) or wife to husband's mother's brother's household (avunculocal)
2 Couple to either group or neolocal
3 Husband to wife's group
4 No common residence
9 No alternate form

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
Transfer of residence at marriage: alternate [EA013]
Culturally patterned alternatives to, or numerically significant deviations from, the prevailing pattern of transfer of residence at marriage (note: not in original EA, summarized from variable describing marital residence with kin).
1 Wife to husband 82
2 Ambi/neo-local 127
3 Husband to wife 154
4 Separate 1
9 No alternate 903
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase