Community marriage organization [EA015]

Description: The prevalence of local endogamy, agamy, and exogamy, together with the presence or absence of localized kin groups. The specific structure of clans, whether ambilocal, matrilocal, or patrilocal, is revealed by the variable describing prevailing patterns of residence with kin.

Code # Code
1 Demes, i.e., communities revealing a marked tendency toward local endogamy but not segmented into clan-barrios
2 Segmented communities, i.e., those divided into barrios, wards, or hamlets, each of which is essentially a localized kin group, a clan or ramage, in the absence of any indication of local exogamy. Large extended families (see "Domestic organization"), are treated as clan-barrios if they are integrated by a rule of ambilineal, matrilineal, or patrilineal descent.
3 Agamous communities without localized clans or any marked tendency toward either local exogamy or local endogamy
4 Exogamous communities, i.e., those revealing a marked tendency toward local exogamy without having the specific structure of clans
5 Segmented communities where a marked tendency toward local exogamy is also specifically reported
6 Clan-communities, each consisting essentially of a single localized exogamous kin group or clan (see "Organization of clan communities" for more detail)

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
Community marriage organization [EA015]
The prevalence of local endogamy, agamy, and exogamy, together with the presence or absence of localized kin groups. The specific structure of clans, whether ambilocal, matrilocal, or patrilocal, is revealed by the variable describing prevailing patterns of residence with kin.
1 Demes 83
2 Segmented, no exogamy 261
3 Agamous 396
4 Exogamous 117
5 Segmented, exogamy 8
6 Clans 237
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase