Cousin marriages permitted [EA023]

Description: The rules or practices governing the marriageability or nonmarriageability of a man's first cousins and, in some cases, second cousins.

Code # Code
1 Duolateral cross-cousin marriage permitted, i.e., marriage allowed with either MoBrDa or FaSiDa but forbidden with a parallel cousin
2 Duolateral marriage permitted with paternal cousins only (FaBrDa or FaSiDa)
3 Duolateral marriage permitted with maternal cousins only (MoBrDa or MoSiDa)
4 Duolateral marriage permitted with an uncle's daughter only (FaBrDa or MoBrDa)
5 Duolateral marriage permitted with an aunt's daughter only (FaSiDa or MoSiDa)
6 Unilateral: only matrilateral cross-cousin marriage permitted, i.e., with a MoBrDa
7 Nonlateral marriage, i.e., unions forbidden with any first or second cousin
8 Nonlateral marriage, evidence available only for first cousins
9 Unilateral: only patrilateral cross-cousin marriage permitted i.e., with a FaSiDa
10 Quadrilateral marriage, i.e., marriage allowed with any first cousin
11 Nonlateral marriage in which all first cousins and some but not all second cousins are forbidden as spouses
12 Nonlateral marriage in which unions are forbidden with any first cousin but are permitted with any second cousin (or at least any who is not a lineage mate)
13 Trilateral marriage, i.e., marriage allowed with any first cousin except an orthocousin or lineage mate

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
Cousin marriages permitted [EA023]
The rules or practices governing the marriageability or nonmarriageability of a man's first cousins and, in some cases, second cousins.
1 Cross-cousin 206
2 Paternal only 1
3 Maternal only 8
4 FaBrDa/MoBrDa only 0
5 FaSiDa/MoSiDa only 0
6 Matrilateral cross only 44
7 No first/second cousins 282
8 No first cousins 277
9 Patrilateral cross only 5
10 Any first cousins 117
11 Some second only 13
12 Only second cousins 64
13 Trilateral 25
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase