Cousin marriages permitted: subtypes [EA024]

Description: Number of types of cousins (first and/or second cousins) a man is permitted to marry.

Code # Code
1 Quadrilateral marriage, i.e., marriage allowed with any first cousin
2 Trilateral marriage, i.e., marriage allowed with any first cousin except an orthocousin or lineage mate
3 Two of four first cousins marriageable
4 One of four first cousins marriageable
5 Nonlateral marriage in which unions are forbidden with any first cousin but are permitted with any second cousin (or at least any who is not a lineage mate)
6 Nonlateral marriage in which all first cousins and some but not all second cousins are forbidden as spouses
7 Nonlateral marriage when evidence is available only for first cousins
8 Nonlateral marriage, i.e., unions forbidden with any first or second cousin

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
Cousin marriages permitted: subtypes [EA024]
Number of types of cousins (first and/or second cousins) a man is permitted to marry.
1 Quadrilateral 117
2 Trilateral 25
3 Duolateral 215
4 Unilateral 49
5 Only second cousins 64
6 Some second only 13
7 No first cousins 277
8 No first/second cousins 282
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase