Agriculture: intensity [EA028]

Description: Intensity of cultivation.

Code # Code
1 Complete absence of agriculture
2 Casual agriculture, i.e., the slight or sporadic cultivation of food or other plants incidental to a primary dependence upon other subsistence practices
3 Extensive or shifting cultivation, as where new fields are cleared annually, cultivated for a year or two, and then allowed to revert to forest or brush for a long fallow period
4 Horticulture, i.e., semi-intensive agriculture limited mainly to vegetable gardens or groves of fruit trees rather than the cultivation of field crops
5 Intensive agriculture on permanent fields, utilizing fertilization by compost or animal manure, crop rotation, or other techniques so that fallowing is either unnecessary or is confined to relatively short periods
6 Intensive cultivation where it is largely dependent upon irrigation

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
Agriculture: intensity [EA028]
Intensity of cultivation.
1 No agriculture 241
2 Casual 43
3 Extensive/shifting 471
4 Horticulture 100
5 Intensive 207
6 Intensive irrigated 126
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase