Agriculture: major crop type [EA029]

Description: Principal type of crop cultivated.

Code # Code
1 No agriculture
2 Non-food crops only, e.g., cotton or tobacco
3 Vegetables, e.g., cucurbits, greens, or legumes, when more important than other crops
4 Tree fruits, e.g., bananas, breadfruit, coconuts, or dates, when more important than cereal grains and root crops. Sago, unless specifically reported to be cultivated, is treated as a gathered product rather than a cultivated one
5 Roots or tubers, e.g., manioc, potatoes, taro, or yams, when more important than cereal grains and at least as important as tree crops or vegetables
6 Cereal grains, e.g., maize, millet, rice, or wheat, when at least as important as any other type of crop

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
Agriculture: major crop type [EA029]
Principal type of crop cultivated.
1 No agriculture 241
2 Non-food 2
3 Vegetables 5
4 Tree-fruits 80
5 Roots/tubers 232
6 Cereals 619
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase