Settlement patterns [EA030]

Description: The prevailing type of settlement pattern.

Code # Code
1 Fully migratory or nomadic bands
2 Seminomadic communities whose members wander in bands for at least half of the year but occupy a fixed settlement at some season or seasons, e.g., recurrently occupied winter quarters
3 Semisedentary communities whose members shift from one to another fixed settlement at different seasons or who occupy more or less permanently a single settlement from which a substantial proportion of the population departs seasonally to occupy shifting camps, e.g., during transhumance
4 Compact but impermanent settlements, i.e., villages whose location is shifted every few years
5 Neighborhoods of dispersed family homesteads
6 Separated hamlets where several such form a more or less permanent single community
7 Compact and relatively permanent settlements, i.e., nucleated villages or towns
8 Complex settlements consisting of a nucleated village or town with outlying homesteads or satellite hamlets. Urban aggregations of population are not separately indicated since EA031 deals with community size

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
Settlement patterns [EA030]
The prevailing type of settlement pattern.
1 Nomadic 81
2 Seminomadic 188
3 Semisedentary 97
4 Impermanent 15
5 Dispersed homesteads 151
6 Hamlets 106
7 Villages/towns 518
8 Complex permanent 31
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase