Male genital mutilations [EA037]

Description: The practice of circumcision or any of its variants, when culturally normative and not sporadic or merely optional, as well as the age at which it typically occurs.

Code # Code
1 Absent or not generally practiced
2 Performed shortly after birth, i.e., within the first two months
3 Performed during infancy, i.e., from two months to two years of age
4 Performed during early childhood, i.e., from two to five years of age
5 Performed during late childhood, i.e., from six to ten years of age
6 Performed during adolescence, i.e., from eleven to fifteen years of age
7 Performed during early adulthood, i.e., from sixteen to 25 years of age
8 Performed during maturity, i.e., from 25 to 50 years of age
9 Performed in old age, i.e., after 50 years of age
10 Circumcision customary, but the normal age is unspecified or unclear

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
Male genital mutilations [EA037]
The practice of circumcision or any of its variants, when culturally normative and not sporadic or merely optional, as well as the age at which it typically occurs.
1 Absent 746
2 Shortly after birth 13
3 Infancy 29
4 Early childhood 24
5 Late childhood 72
6 Adolescence 117
7 Early adulthood 12
8 Maturity 5
9 Old age 1
10 Customary, age unclear 97
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase