Age or occupational specialization: animal husbandry [EA064]

Description: Age or occupational specialization in animal husbandry.

Code # Code
1 Junior age specialization, i.e., the activity is largely performed by boys and/or girls before the age of puberty
2 Senior age specialization, i.e., the activity is largely performed by men and/or women beyond the prime of life
3 Craft specialization, i.e., the activity is largely performed by a small minority of adult males or females who possess specialized skills. Occupational castes are treated as instances of craft specialization
4 Industrial specialization, i.e., the activity is largely removed from the domain of a division of labor by sex, age, or craft specialization and is performed industrialized mainly by techniques of production
9 Normally performed by many or most adult men, women, or both
10 The activity is absent or unimportant in the particular society

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
Age or occupational specialization: animal husbandry [EA064]
Age or occupational specialization in animal husbandry.
1 Junior age 18
2 Senior age 0
3 Craft 5
4 Industrial 0
9 Most adults 469
10 Activity is absent 318
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase