Political succession: hereditary succession [EA073]

Description: Rules of succession applying to the office of local headman (or a close equivalent), without reference to rules of succession prevailing on higher levels of political integration.

Code # Code
1 Hereditary succession by a son
2 Hereditary succession by a patrilineal heir who takes precedence over a son
3 Hereditary succession by a sister's son
4 Hereditary succession by a matrilineal heir who takes precedence over a sister's son, e.g., a younger brother
5 Nonhereditary
9 Absence of any office resembling that of a local headman

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
Political succession: hereditary succession [EA073]
Rules of succession applying to the office of local headman (or a close equivalent), without reference to rules of succession prevailing on higher levels of political integration.
1 Son 307
2 Patrilineal heir 101
3 Sister's son 37
4 Matrilineal heir 64
5 Nonhereditary 319
9 Absence of office 109
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase