Inheritance rule for real property (land) [EA074]

Description: The rule or practice governing the disposition or transmission of a man's property in land (exclusive of any dower right of his widow). [Note that Murdock (1963a) warned that the codes for this variable had "proved inadequate and in serious need of revision," and that the coded data "should consequently be used only with circumspection"].

Code # Code
1 Absence of individual property rights in land or of any rule of inheritance governing the transmission of such rights
2 Matrilineal inheritance by a sister's son or sons
3 Inheritance by matrilineal heirs who take precedence over sisters' sons
4 Inheritance by children, but with daughters receiving less than sons
5 Inheritance by children of either sex or both
6 Inheritance by patrilineal heirs who take precedence over sons
7 Patrilineal inheritance by a son or sons

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
Inheritance rule for real property (land) [EA074]
The rule or practice governing the disposition or transmission of a man's property in land (exclusive of any dower right of his widow). [Note that Murdock (1963a) warned that the codes for this variable had "proved inadequate and in serious need of revision," and that the coded data "should consequently be used only with circumspection"].
1 No inher. of real property 223
2 Matrilineal by sister's sons 31
3 Matrilineal by heirs 60
4 Children, less for daughters 43
5 Children 55
6 Patrilineal by heirs 90
7 Patrilineal by sons 354
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase