Inheritance distribution for movable property [EA077]

Description: Following the inheritance rule for movable property, this variable indicates how movable property is distributed among several individuals of the same category. [Note that Murdock (1963a) warned that the codes for this variable had "proved inadequate and in serious need of revision," and that the coded data "should consequently be used only with circumspection"].

Code # Code
1 Equal or relatively equal distribution among all members of the category
2 Exclusive or predominant inheritance by the member of the category adjudged best qualified, either by the deceased or by his surviving relatives
3 Ultimogeniture, i.e., predominant inheritance by the junior member of the category
4 Primogeniture, i.e., predominant inheritance by the senior member of the category
9 Absence of inheritance of movable property; includes the destruction, burial, or giving away of movable property

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
Inheritance distribution for movable property [EA077]
Following the inheritance rule for movable property, this variable indicates how movable property is distributed among several individuals of the same category. [Note that Murdock (1963a) warned that the codes for this variable had "proved inadequate and in serious need of revision," and that the coded data "should consequently be used only with circumspection"].
1 Equally distributed 444
2 Best qualified 20
3 Ultimogeniture 17
4 Primogeniture 244
9 No inher. of mov. property 130
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase