House construction: roofing materials [EA083]

Description: Roofing materials of the prevailing type of dwelling.

Code # Code
1 Stone or slate
2 Plaster, clay, mud and dung, or wattle and daub
3 Wood, including logs, planks, poles, bamboo, or shingles
4 Bark
5 Hides or skins
6 Felt, cloth, or other fabric
7 Mats
8 Grass, leaves, brush, or other thatch
9 Earth or turf
10 Ice or snow
11 Tile or fired brick

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Murdock et al. 1999 'Ethnographic Atlas'
House construction: roofing materials [EA083]
Roofing materials of the prevailing type of dwelling.
1 Stone or slate 3
2 Plaster, clay or similar 12
3 Wood, incl. bamboo 59
4 Bark 39
5 Hides or skins 46
6 Fabric 24
7 Mats 44
8 Grass, leaves or thatch 780
9 Earth or turf 127
10 Ice or snow 7
11 Tile or fired brick 19
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase