Description: Presence/absence of culturally patterned forms of altered states of consciousness. Codes distinguish between two types of altered states: PossessionTrance, considered to be a manifestation of spirit possession, and a Trance state that is not explained by possession.
Code # | Code |
1 | Trance behavior is known to occur, but there is no belief in possession. |
2 | A belief in possession exists. |
3 | Trance behavior is known to occur and is explained as due to possession. There is no possession belief referring to other experiences and there are no trance states with other explanations. |
4 | Two types of trance states are known to occur. One which is explained as due to possession and one which is given another type of explanation. In addition to explaining trance, possession belief also refers to one or more other phenomena. |
5 | There is both a trance state and a belief in possession, but this belief refers to phenomena other than trance, which is explained through other categories. |
6 | Trance explained as due to possession is known to occur, and there are no other trance states, but cases of possession outside of trance are also believed to occur. |
7 | Trance states of two kinds are known to occur, some of which are explained by possession. No other phenomena are explained by possession. |
8 | No trance states of any kind are known to occur, and there is no belief in possession. |
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1 | Trance, no possession | 135 | |
2 | Possession | 45 | |
3 | T due to P only; P causes T only | 67 | |
4 | Two T states, one due to P; P expl. T and others | 93 | |
5 | T and P, but T not due to P | 79 | |
6 | T due to P only; P explains T and others | 85 | |
7 | Two T states, one due to P; P explains T only | 36 | |
8 | No trance or possession | 118 |
Datapoint | Society | Language family | Details | Focal year | Subcase | |