Population Density (from Pryor Data) [SCCS1130]

Description: Pryor, F. L. (1985). The invention of the plow. Comparative Studies in Society and history, 27(4), 727-743.

Code # Code
2 less than 1 per square mile
3 1 - 4.9 per square mile
4 5 - 24.9 per square mile
5 25 - 99.9 per square mile
6 99 - 499.9 per square mile
7 500 or more per square mile

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Murdock and White 1969 'Standard Cross-Cultural Sample'
Population Density (from Pryor Data) [SCCS1130]
Pryor, F. L. (1985). The invention of the plow. Comparative Studies in Society and history, 27(4), 727-743.
2 less than 1 per square mile 51
3 1- 4.9 per square mile 28
4 5- 24.9 per sqaure mile 35
5 25- 99.9 per square mile 37
6 99- 499.9 per square mile 24
7 500 or more per square mile 11
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase