Scale 10- Social Stratification [SCCS158]

Description: Murdock, G. P., & Provost, C. (1973). Measurement of cultural complexity. Ethnology, 12(4), 379-392.

Code # Code
1 Egalitarian
2 Hereditary slavery
3 2 social classes, no castes/slavery
4 2 social classes, castes/slavery
5 3 social classes or castes, with or without slavery

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Murdock and White 1969 'Standard Cross-Cultural Sample'
Scale 10- Social Stratification [SCCS158]
Murdock, G. P., & Provost, C. (1973). Measurement of cultural complexity. Ethnology, 12(4), 379-392.
1 Egalitarian 65
2 Hereditary slavery 52
3 2 social classes, no castes/slavery 19
4 2 social classes, castes/slavery 20
5 3 social classes or castes, w/ or w/out slavery 30
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase