(No) Explicit View That Men Should and Do Dominate Their Wives [SCCS621]

Description: Whyte, M. K. (1978). Cross-cultural codes dealing with the relative status of women. Ethnology, 17(2), 211-237.

Code # Code
1 Yes
2 No, evidence of rough equality
3 No, evidence of wife dominance

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Murdock and White 1969 'Standard Cross-Cultural Sample'
(No) Explicit View That Men Should and Do Dominate Their Wives [SCCS621]
Whyte, M. K. (1978). Cross-cultural codes dealing with the relative status of women. Ethnology, 17(2), 211-237.
1 Yes 42
2 No, evidence of rough equality 19
3 No, evidence of wife dominance 2
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase