Raids motivated by desire for economic booty such as hides, pottery, food, etc [WNAI354]

Description: Raids are single, small military engagements of short duration. They are motivated by desire for booty, women, slaves, prestige, vengeance or a slain warrior, or to fulfill a vision or instructions received through dreams. A raiding party has a leader and from as few as five to as many as 50 people.

Code # Code
1 No raids conducted
2 Raids, but not for booty
3 Raids conducted for booty

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Jorgensen 1980 'Western Indians'
Raids motivated by desire for economic booty such as hides, pottery, food, etc [WNAI354]
Raids are single, small military engagements of short duration. They are motivated by desire for booty, women, slaves, prestige, vengeance or a slain warrior, or to fulfill a vision or instructions received through dreams. A raiding party has a leader and from as few as five to as many as 50 people.
1 No raids 9
2 Raids, not for booty 71
3 Raids for booty 71
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase