Incidence of warfare [WNAI364]

Description: Warfare is defined as conflicts between two factions with true political organization, each of which possesses definite leadership, some kind of military tactics, and at least the hope of being able to weather a series of battles.

Code # Code
1 Warfare not present
2 Warfare very rarely engaged in, but if so it was primarily restricted to one part of the year
3 Warfare very rarely engaged in, but it occurred at any time during the year
4 Warfare commonly engaged in, but when so it was restricted to one part of the year
5 Warfare commonly engaged in during any time during the year

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Jorgensen 1980 'Western Indians'
Incidence of warfare [WNAI364]
Warfare is defined as conflicts between two factions with true political organization, each of which possesses definite leadership, some kind of military tactics, and at least the hope of being able to weather a series of battles.
1 Warfare absent 168
2 Rare, 1 season only 1
3 Rare, yet any season 2
4 Common,1 season only 0
5 Common, any season 0
Datapoint Society Language family Details Focal year Subcase