Gould, R. T. and Plew, M. G. 1996. Late Archaic Fishing along the Middle Snake River, Southwestern Idaho. In Plew, M. G. (ed.), Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Fishing Strategies, 64-83. Boise, Idaho: Department of Anthropology, Boise State University.
@incollection{gouldandplew1996, address = {Boise, Idaho}, author = {Gould, R. T. and Plew, M. G.}, booktitle = {Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Fishing Strategies}, editor = {Plew, M. G.}, key = {Gould and Plew (1996)}, pages = {64-83}, publisher = {Department of Anthropology, Boise State University}, title = {Late Archaic Fishing along the Middle Snake River, Southwestern Idaho}, year = {1996} }