Jurchenkov 1995

Jurchenkov, V. 1995. Vzgljad so storony. Mordovskij narod i kraj v sochinenijah zapadnoevropejskih avtorov VI-XVIII stoletij (Look from the Outside: The Mordva People and Land in the Works of West European Authors of the Sixth to Eighteenth Centuries).

  address = {Saransk},
  author  = {Jurchenkov, V.},
  key     = {Jurchenkov (1995)},
  title   = {Vzgljad so storony. Mordovskij narod i kraj v sochinenijah zapadnoevropejskih avtorov VI-XVIII stoletij (Look from the Outside: The Mordva People and Land in the Works of West European Authors of the Sixth to Eighteenth Centuries)},
  year    = {1995}