What's new?

D-PLACE is a work in progress. We welcome suggestions for corrections and/or for additional data.

The database was originally described in Kirby et al. 2016, when it contained only two major cross-cultural datasets: Murdock’s Ethnographic Atlas and Binford’s Hunter-Gatherer dataset. Since then we have added the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample and Jorgensen’s Western-North American database, and we are currently digitizing and cleaning other cross-cultural datasets we think could be of broad interest.

To suggest a dataset for inclusion, or to see the datasets we are currently working on adding, please visit the issues list at GitHub and look for “Issues” tagged with “Dataset”.

The h.external_link('https://github.com/D-PLACE?q=dplace-dataset&type=all&language=&sort=', label='D-PLACE GitHub site'}) also allows you to track corrections and other changes made to individual datasets, discussions over society-language matches, newly added environmental variables, etc.


Starting with release 3.0, the D-PLACE data served by this web application is disseminated as CLDF dataset at DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3935419.

For information about accessing older releases, see download


You can find a list of papers citing D-PLACE at Google Scholar.